Comment Search/Recent Comments

With the 1Tool you can search for comments quickly and easily.
Click on  "Contacts - Recent Comments"

If you want to display your comments according to specific search criteria, click on the arrow symbol in the “Filter” to open it.
You can search for a specific text/keyword and also restrict it to specific users or individual categories, etc. By clicking "Show" start your comment search.

Once you type “Contact Comments”, the filter function “contact group”Or“Industry” is available. You can also limit the comments by date. If no date is entered, all comments are displayed.

Recent Comments_Filter

Using the button “Export...” you have the option of generating an Excel list of your comments. Below this, a list of the most recent comments appears, depending on the filter settings. For each individual comment, you can see which user created the comment (image) and whether it is a comment on a contact, a sales opportunity or a task. In addition, the creation date and time are also visible. The comment text also appears in the field provided.

Last comments_overview