The contact information gives you a quick and uncomplicated overview of all relevant information from your customers. You can access the contact information either via the detailed search or by entering the desired contact in the search at the top right.
Here you get an overview of all stored information for the respective contact. Personal data and contact information can be edited or deleted here. In addition, all contact information can be printed out. By clicking on the small "envelope symbol" next to the picture, you can send an e-mail directly to the respective contact.
Profile Image
A profile picture can be assigned to each contact. To do this, click on the editing pen in the image and upload the desired image in the window that now appears.
If you enter your contact’s Facebook ID in the “Facebook ID” field, the contact’s profile picture will automatically be used as your user picture.
Contact Person
Additional contact persons (sub-contacts) can also be defined for each contact. In this way, organizational units and members of these units can be mapped.
With the help of localization, you can display your contacts graphically on a Google Map.
You can also add files to each contact via Documents.
How to add a new file will tell you here explained.
Contact Relations & Contact Log
Relationships between this contact and other contacts and vice versa are shown under Contact relationships. The respective contacts to which a relationship exists are linked in the table of relationships with the respective detail views. Existing contact relationships can be deleted here. You can also create new contact relationships here.
Under Protocol, all changes made to the respective contact are automatically recorded.