You can find this option under Constituent Units Contact - New contact(s).
You can then go directly to "+New contact“ or select a corresponding contact type beforehand. Specifying the contact type only displays the fields previously defined for that type. (eg: contact type Company - Here, for example, no personal data such as name, gender, etc. must be entered). Read herehow to define your own contact type.
First, click on the “Masterdata Managment “. Here you can specify all of your contact's personal data, such as title, name, address, etc. In addition, you also have the option of defining a main contact for your contact. Also enter the billing address, this will be automatically used for the bill when the bill is sent to this contact. Alternatively, another contact person for invoices can be specified.
It is very important to then assign the contact to one or more contact groups below, otherwise the contact cannot be created. Here learn how to define contact groups. Furthermore, an assignment to Industries or distribution lists possible. Finally, save the data you entered to create a contact.