create camp

Im 1Tool several warehouses can be managed. Each warehouse must be defined to an existing contact in the system. This allows the address and contact options for the warehouse to be stored.

There is a separate widget in the contact detail view for creating camps for contacts (locations). To activate this widget, first go to the detail view of your desired contact and click on the Tab with the gear icon.

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After you click the button “Manage other modules >> User settings” clicked, the view of your existing module tabs appears. Create a new module tab here or click on the blue one "Edit" iconto add your ERP function to the existing tab (in this example, the ERP function was added to the existing “Master Data” tab).

1Tool | Create warehouse2

Then select the menu item “Modules” the point “Inventory management storage" out.

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After you have saved your settings, switch back to the contact view of your desired contact. Depending on which module tab you have added the ERP function to, it appears under the respective tab (in this example: master data).

The button now appears here “Add warehouse"

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1Tool | Create warehouse5 1024x357 1

Once you have added your new warehouse, it will appear under the item “Inventory Management Storage”.

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