Create project phase

Under Administration – Organization – Projects – Phases you have an overview of the different phases in your project. You can edit and add to these.

To create a new project phase, simply enter the name you want in the text field and then click on Save.
project phase

Phase overview
1Tool | Create project phases2

The newly created phase is now displayed at the bottom of the phases overview.
Now all you have to do is assign a color to the new phase, which will later help to make it easier to see in the project schedule. You can assign a color to the respective phase by clicking in the color field. A window will then appear where you can define the desired color. After choosing a color, don't forget to save it.
Screenshot-2013 07-26 to 09.27.08 By clicking on the "editing pen" you can change the name of the phase.

Note: As soon as at least one project is in a phase, the phase no longer deleted .