Surveys can with 1Tool can be created and implemented quickly and easily.
Under: Organization - Surveys you can manage the surveys you have created or create a new survey.
For surveys that have already been created, the Name, Start and end dates evident from the survey. In addition, you can see whether the survey is still aktiv is and also how many of the Persons (in %) have already taken part in the survey. Various buttons also offer the option of managing your surveys. About the green icon "Evaluations" For example, you can see all the questions and participants in your survey, as well as their answers.

Click on the button “+ New survey” you can start a new survey. Under the “Master data” tab you can make relevant settings for your survey. Activate the checkbox “Allow poll postponement”, so your participants have the option of postponing the survey when it appears and completing it later. If the checkbox is not activated, users must fill out the survey immediately; they cannot register in the 1Tool log in.

To define questions for your survey and their possible answers, click on the “Questions” tab. The types available include a simple input field, text field, radio button (yes/no), checkboxes, multiple selection, selection (single choice) or uploading a document.

As soon as you have saved the questions or the data of your survey, the respective survey will appear from the defined date when the users log in 1Tool log in.

Users also have the option under the menu item Organization - Surveys, to view all those surveys related to the given user that have not yet been completed and fit into the given period (if an end date has been set for the survey and it has passed, the survey will no longer appear).