The user and rights management is used to create and manage the users and user groups of your 1Tools. These can be found under Settings - User Management - User & Rights Management.
Under the rider "User" a new user can use the button "New" be created. Please note, however, that fees will be charged for each new user. After you have entered the data of the new user and clicked on save, a pop-up window will appear, which will remind you again of the fees that will be charged. You must confirm this.
In the area "User” all created users are listed. Your newly created user will also appear here.
On the "Login“-button you can 1Tool log in with the respective user. The “Castle” allows you to lock the contact. If a contact is locked, a closed “Castle“ symbol (this enables unlocking). To set the rights for each user, click on the desired user (in this example: Werner Wahl) and on the right-hand side you will find all the settings for the respective user.
Under the tab “User” you can change the general settings, such as name, email or password. In addition, you have the “Advanced Settings" also the possibility to assign a commission as well as a personnel number to your users. Users can also be linked to individual contacts.
The Rider "jurisdiction” offers you the possibility to assign access rights to your user. Either the user can access all contacts in the 1Tool only have access to their own or their own and unassigned contacts. You can also click on the checkbox define whether the user can also add a contact as “Responsible employee” can be assigned. This can be done by other users or only by himself (second checkbox).
Under "Contact/Mail Group Access” you can define access to contact groups or distribution lists for your user. You can choose between a read or write access Select. Read access means that the user can see the contact or mailing list but cannot edit it, while write access can do so. Should a user only one limited number of contacts can be assigned, set the maximum number in the boxes next to it.
There is also the option under the tab “Language Access” the user's read and write rights for individual languages in 1Tool, to set.
In the lower section of the user settings, you can set the user position establish. The target hours of each individual employee are recorded using the user position. This makes it much easier to record overtime. (learn how to manage user positions here).