label printing

With the 1Tool you can print your own labels for your contacts.
Go to it Contact – contact search.

Enter the desired contact in the search mask.

1Tool now shows you all search hits.
Check the boxhook_minibefore the contact to create a label for a specific contact. Multiple contacts can also be selected. Otherwise, a label is created from all hits from the search.
Below the search results you will find the field “Export...".

1Tool | Screenshot 2023 02 10 at 09.54.32:XNUMX:XNUMX

Click on the arrow icon to open it and then select the option "labels". Define here whether your labels should be created with a frame, what format you want or where the printing process begins.

1Tool | Screenshot 2023 02 10 at 09.56.32:XNUMX:XNUMX

After click "Press" the label is automatically saved in PDF format on your computer. You only have to print them out afterwards.