Im 1Tool you can also display the dashboard notifications as a separate menu item.
First of all you have to create news categories for the creation of news articles. This is done under the point Administration – Organization – News categories.
In the view “News categories” you can view, edit, delete or comment on the news categories you have created. Click on the green button in the bottom right corner of the screen window to define a new category.
To create a new category, first define the name of it. Is there a parent category, select one of the existing categories, if there are none, then leave this field empty. Then save the new category.
To create a new news article, go to the menu item Global Settings - Notifications – Notifications.
Here you will first get an overview of the news entries that have already been created. You can also edit or delete them using the buttons available (on the right). In addition, you can use the button “Create new notification“, create a new news article.
To create a new notification, fill in the relevant fields (title, start date…). In the field “groups” you can specify who should see the post. Then select the respective News category your notification. Also adding one documents as well as more detailed ones descriptions is possible. Then save your settings and the post will be created.
The user group(s) for which the post should be visible will also see the notifications on the Dashboard of 1Tool. Using the buttons to the left of the post, you can mark it as read, send it by email, edit it or delete it. The checkbox “Show read notifications” defines whether posts that have already been marked as read are still visible. If the checkbox is deactivated, only those posts will appear for which the user has not yet placed a green check mark.
As described under “free menu structure”, news articles can also be displayed as a separate menu item in the 1Tool be created. For this go below Global Settings – Client Navigation and create a new menu item. For a news article page, select the type “news posts” and define the respective News Category(s).
As soon as you have saved your new menu item, the news post page appears on the left of your 1Tool Menu. If you then click on the news menu item you have created, all articles that have been assigned to the selected category will appear.
You can also mark the posts as read, edit them, etc.