project schedule

The project schedule can be found below Organization – Projects – Project Schedule. You can search for your desired project using the available filter functions.

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About the area “Zoom” you can choose whether your schedule should be displayed per day, month or year, or by status or weeks/weekdays.

After you have selected a project, you will see an overview of the individual tasks that have been stored for this project on the right. On the left, however, the project schedule appears in graphic form. The bars show you which tasks are due first. The longer a bar is, the longer this activity lasts. Every activity is in 1Tool deposited with an employee, so that the project bar chart of the 1Tool This also supports task dependencies. This means that tasks that depend on other tasks are automatically moved if necessary, for example due to a date change. In addition, tasks that have already been completed are marked with a "check mark" in the bar.

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The project schedule 1Tools gives you an overview of the actual and planned project time (actual – target comparison).

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By clicking on the project bar, the filter function appears in full-screen mode. Bars can be moved easily with a click. If you export the project schedule to a PDF, it can then be printed out.

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With 1Tool Project schedule, your resources can be easily planned. In this way, several projects can be displayed in a period of time.

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