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whistleblower software

With our whistleblower protection software, we offer companies a secure and confidential platform to uncover abuses and promote accountability. Fast & easy implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive.

1Tool supports you in complying with the Whistleblower Protection Act or the Whistleblower Protection Act in order to ensure a uniform and secure reporting process.

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Communicate confidentially

Implementation of the whistleblower policy

With our software, whistleblowers can securely pass on information about possible misconduct and professional violations and thus uncover abuses in the company.

Anonymous Reporting

1Tool provides a secure and anonymous platform for whistleblowers to submit their reports without revealing their identity. This promotes openness and protects whistleblowers.

Encrypted & Secure

We take the protection of whistleblower data very seriously. 1Tool complies with all applicable data protection regulations and ensures that only authorized persons have access to the reported information.

Easily edit the cases

Our software enables organizations to effectively manage the reported cases. The intuitive interface makes it easy to organize and categorize the information obtained to streamline the investigation and verification process.

Exchange of important data

Whistleblowers can easily upload relevant documents, such as internal reports or emails, directly via our platform. This facilitates the sharing of evidence and supports investigations.

Always up to date

Persons providing information can process your reports at any time using the process number and check their status. This creates transparency and trust in the reporting process.

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Implementation of a system to implement the whistleblower policy

Our implementation process accompanies you step by step to ensure that the whistleblower software is successfully implemented and can be used effectively.


Consulting & Analysis

Together we define roles and authorizations for your whistleblower system.

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setting up the platform

The reporting platform is integrated directly into your website.

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Getting started!

Extensive training of your employees ensures easy use.

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Benefits of whistleblower software

early detection

Violations are reported at an early stage - so you can take the necessary measures in good time before the situation worsens.

Minimizing risk

Safe way to identify and fix potential problems before they lead to legal, financial, or reputational consequences.

Strengthen corporate culture

Promotes a culture of openness, integrity and ethical responsibility. Employee trust is strengthened by making it clear that misconduct will not be tolerated.

Compliant with the law

Specific regulations and laws of various industries and countries for the protection of whistleblowers can be easily fulfilled.

Protection & security

Possible scandals or damage to reputation can be prevented if violations or misconduct are recognized early and dealt with appropriately.

Always available

Thanks to our cloud solution, the whistleblower software is available and accessible to your employees at all times and on all end devices.

Which companies and organizations are subject
in Austria the Whistleblower Protection Act (WbSG)?


Companies with at least 250 employees until August 25, 2023.


Companies with at least 50 employees until December 17, 2023.


  • company and legal Persons under public law with 50 or more employees
  • Regardless of the number of employees also jur. People (except sole proprietorships and branches) in the areas of:
    1. Financial Services
    2. prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
    3. Traffic safety & environmental protection


  • Setting up a reporting channel for information is mandatory
  • There must be a process for dealing with reports, including a clear definition of responsibility within the group


  • 24/7 availability
  • Consideration of deadlines
  • Adapted to the legal framework
  • The whistleblower MUST be able to submit a report anonymously

Which companies and organizations are subject
in Germany the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG)?


Companies with 250 or more employees until July 2, 2023


Companies with 50 or more employees until December 17, 2023


public Sector & municipalities from 10.000 inhabitants from mid-June 2023


  • company and legal Persons under public law with 50 or more employees
  • Regardless of the number of employees also jur. People (except sole proprietorships and branches) in the areas of:
    1. Financial Services
    2. prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
    3. Traffic safety & environmental protection


  • Setting up a reporting channel for information is mandatory
  • A process for handling information must be created


  • 24/7 availability
  • Consideration of deadlines
  • Adapted to the legal framework
  • Ideally, whistleblowers should remain anonymous


About us

up to 50


    € 50 per month

    € 600,- per year

About us

up to 100


    € 100 per month

    € 1.200,- per year

About us

up to 250


    € 200 per month

    € 2.400,- per year

About us

up to 1.000


    € 300 per month

    € 3.600,- per year

About us

ab 1.000


    Individual offer


up to 10.000


    € 50 per month

    € 600,- per year


up to 25.000


    € 150 per month

    € 1.800,- per year


up to 50.000


    € 300 per month

    € 3.600,- per year


up to100.000


    € 500 per month

    € 6.000,- per year




    Individual offer

contact request

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