1Tool® version 3.2.18

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To our 1Tool- To continue using business software to best manage your business, we have developed some new features for you. The new version 3.2.18 went online at the beginning of October 2015. We are now happy to give you a comprehensive insight into the latest features of the software and their advantages.


When creating the invoice, you have to use the new 1Tool Version 3.2.18 the possibility discountable and non-discountable products define. As soon as you offset several products, the respective discount will only be deducted from the discountable products. You can make the setting for this at the product, under Master Data - Products, yourself by checking the “Discounts allowed” checkbox.

You can also use the "Show discount" checkbox to determine whether the respective discount is listed separately in a line below in the PDF invoice document.

Also the sending tax-free invoices is now possible with the new version 3.2.18. Here you can use a checkbox to define for the individual contacts whether they will receive a tax-free invoice or not. If the checkbox is activated, this is automatically taken into account when the invoice is created by setting the sales tax to 0%. In addition, a text referring to the tax-free invoice is inserted via a placeholder.

In addition, numerous placeholders have been developed for invoicing, so that you can now choose whether the long, short or extended product description is embedded in the invoice.

Also the background objects for the invoices in PDF format can now be determined individually by entering your desired background directly at the Accounting area/order area upload and then choose whether this background should also be displayed when downloading and when sending an email.


If you choose the frequency "monthly" when stating the price of a product, the total price is not calculated for a whole year, but after the specified period. This means that you can define exactly how many months should be calculated.

Applicant management

The new 1Tool Version the representation of the applicants by long and short list. While all applicants are shown in the longlist, the shortlist also contains applicant-relevant criteria. In the shortlist, your applicants are listed in columns and the evaluations of these with regard to various criteria are listed in rows. You also have the option of exporting these lists as an Excel file.

With the newly added button, you can also add an applicant to your applicant administration with just one click.

Furthermore, a creation date can now also be created for each applicant, so that you can see current applicants at a glance by sorting by date. Applicants who also include the status "placed" are automatically marked as "unavailable" and "yellow".

Time recording

Some innovations have also been made for time recording. On the one hand, you can now use the print button to print out your time recording report with just one click. Furthermore, the view for the time recording admin has been revised and now has a new, clearer display. With the new one 1Tool Version are now in addition to the respective project and the task also the Activities listed in the daily time tracking emails.

The checkbox is also a special feature for time recording "Add as a comment" If this is activated, your comment will be automatically saved with the respective project and the corresponding task. You can also define under your personal user settings whether this checkbox should always be activated or not.

Live chat

So that we can process important inquiries and support requests from our customers even faster, we have on our Körblerwebsite, as well as in 1Tool an Live chat created. Type your message into the chat window and our support staff will respond to your questions immediately.


For your calendar events, you can use the new version 1Tool-Software the role distribution determine your participants.

You also have the option of Participation Restrictions to be defined for events. For example, you can specify that participants may visit your event a maximum of 3 times a week, even if it takes place 5 times. If desired, it is of course also possible to receive an e-mail notification as soon as this participation limit has been reached.


In order to simplify the logistical process of your trading operation, the new version 3.2.18 allows the definition of several Warehouse. In addition, you can too acquisitions optimally manage by selecting specific information for each delivery, such as the respective branch, the corresponding warehouse, the specific product and the product quantity.


The view for contact groups has also been revised so that the respective contact type is evident. In addition, upon contact "Last contact time" automatically reset as soon as a comment is added to it.

Favorite Contacts

Another new feature is the "My favourites" function. From now on, you can use the "Star" icon Define your top contacts, who are then below Contacts - My Favorites be shown clearly.

This greatly simplifies communication and regular contact with important customers or partners, and sales opportunities and sales volume for each favorite are also listed in a structured manner. So you know at a glance which customers and partners you need to be in constant contact with in order to cultivate and maintain the business relationship.


order management

Order management has been updated with the new 1Tool Version 3.2.18 also optimized. You can therefore own fields for the creation of orders and use them as a template for your invoice and offer documents.

Such fields can, for example, relate to the delivery date, the service period or similar important company data. Under Master data - Sales - Orders you have the opportunity to create individual fields for your orders that are optimally tailored to your company and your industry.

This helps to make invoicing and quotations much faster and to manage orders more efficiently.


If an opportunity is set to "Won", the new version of the 1Tools the customer status automatically changed by assigning the contact to a desired contact group (e.g. customer contact group or new customer contact group, etc.). If the contact already exists in another group (e.g.: Potential customers group), you can define whether the contact is then automatically removed from this group as soon as the sales opportunity has been won.

Furthermore, a sales opportunity arises "Won" set when a new project is created from the opportunity using the "star button".

Email message template

The new 1Tool Version 3.2.18 allows the creation of various email templates, such as birthday emails, reminder emails, etc.

These templates can be found below Master Data - Contacts - Mail Templates set up by specifying the name, subject and e-mail text including placeholders.

If you then call up a contact, you can select the desired e-mail template using the "letter symbol" and send your individual and personal message to your customers and partners at the touch of a button.