How differs 1Tool from normal CRM solutions?

It is estimated that there are over 2.000 CRM applications in Europe. 1Tool also offers a comprehensive CRM database at its core. But what exactly makes the difference 1Tool from other, conventional CRM applications? We've had a few online webinars and demos over the past few days 1Tool and have summarized the most important positive feedback for you:

  • clarity: 1Tool offers a clear interface and enables a quick start without lengthy training.
  • Intuitive construction: 1Tool is structured completely intuitively and is divided into the areas Contacts, Marketing, Sales and Organization. Behind these modules lie all the important functions that are required.
  • The possibility, upload documents. In 1Tool documents can be added to contacts, projects, tasks and sales opportunities at any time with just one click.
  • Newsletter : 1Tool enables a simple newsletter dispatch, a perfect selection of the recipients and extensive e-mail newsletter reports.
  • The Opportunity Reports are very meaningful, give a comprehensive overview and are an important component in the area Sales management.
  • 1Tool nearly has no initial installation effort and is ready to go as a cloud computing CRM solution
  • 1Tool enables one mobile access from everywhere.

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