New CRM system? 7 tips for higher employee acceptance!

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A new CRM system or the first introduction of such software does not always bring only advantages. Employees often resist change and want to stick to old structures. Only when you as a company have managed to get your employees enthusiastic about working with a CRM system can processes and tasks actually be carried out more efficiently and much more productively.

But how do you get your employees excited about your CRM project? We have summarized the most important tips for you!

1. Engage employees and identify super users

To create enthusiasm, enthusiasm must be spread! Therefore, at the beginning of the project, identify so-called super users and promoters who will ultimately serve as multipliers. These people use the CRM system most frequently, are usually competent contact persons for IT or sales topics and thus pass on the advantages of CRM software to other employees.

In addition, employees should already be included in the selection process for the CRM solution. They know best which functions are required and which processes need to be simplified.

2. Allow customization

In order for your employees to be able to use the CRM system optimally for their day-to-day business, important functions and data should be visible at a glance and be immediately available. A CRM software, like 1Tool, allows customization of the user interface. Whether it's sales, marketing or accounting - the features you need every day can be created directly on the dashboard. This not only saves you numerous clicks to get to sub-menu items, but also makes the software the ideal support for your work processes.

3. Keep it simple

Simplify the system as much as possible by only purchasing those functions or modules that you really need. With many CRM systems, all features must be adopted - so look for software that allows you to select, add or remove modules. 1Tool offers such a monthly rental system. It is best to introduce monthly employee meetings in which you clarify which functions are advantageous and which are not required. This not only keeps your system simple, but also saves you a lot of money and effort!

4. Develop clear structures

A CRM system should offer assistance by making data available at the push of a button. It is therefore best for all departments to use the new software, as this gives you a complete overview of all relevant information and allows you to look after customers much better thanks to the 360° view. Clear structures are required to ensure that the masses of information do not become a data jungle! Therefore, set precise guidelines for the use and data entry of the CRM solution. We recommend the creation of a guide, which of course must always be kept up to date. As soon as updates are available, new features must also be forwarded and explained internally immediately. An FAQ section can also come in handy - employee questions are answered and repeated issues can be resolved more quickly by reviewing the answers.

You should also use employee training courses. Identify those responsible in the company for the further training process. To do this, the employees should first be familiarized with the basic functions. Once these are mastered, details can be better clarified.

5. Relieve employees instead of creating work

In order to create enthusiasm among your employees, it is of course important that you clearly convey the advantages of the CRM software to them. The aim is to show how the system can be used in everyday life in order to simplify work with it. The data entry should therefore not be seen by employees as an additional effort. Instead, bring the benefits closer: sales reps close more deals through better customer service, marketing reps use information about the customer to create a target group-oriented approach, etc.

6. Consider system integration

If other systems, such as ERP, are already used in the company, it is important to ensure that interfaces can be created between CRM and ERP software. With 1Tool you can access all important data of other programs.

7. Encourage mobile use

An important point for the acceptance of your employees is of course the mobile use. Field workers do not always want to be tied to the computer, but also want to be able to access and enter information easily and quickly while on the go. In addition to immediate data entry, important information can also be passed on to other employees in real time!