Process holiday requests digitally

1Tool | Process holiday inquiries digitally 700x475 1

1Tool now supports digital processing of vacation requests and Time off requests.

You can easily and comfortably in the 1Tool new holiday requests can be made using a web browser or mobile phone. Depending on the role in the system, a corresponding deputy must be selected.

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After the employee has submitted the request, the manager receives a message with a link to the vacation request and the option to approve or reject the vacation. The supervisor can also enter a comment to comment on his decision or to make it easier to understand.

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After the application has been approved, the vacation calendar in the company is automatically updated so that every employee can see who is on vacation and when. In the event of a rejection, the employee receives the rejection and also the reason so that the decision can be understood.

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Auch im 1Tool resource plan, these vacations can be displayed. This makes it immediately clear during planning which resource is on vacation or time in lieu and when.

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