Clearly manage addresses

Address database

1Tool Address database allows you to easily and easily manage addresses and sort and clearly arrange a large number of different contact data. The simple address management is based on 1Tool especially on the function of categorizing contacts via contact groups, categories and contact persons.

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Address management online!

It is also important to many companies that the address data of the contacts can be called up at any time. Therefore at 1Tool can Address management online handled to important information, such as address, phone number or e-mail address of each contact within a Customer database to be quickly accessible and findable.

Decisive for choosing one Address Management Software is in particular their suitability, the existing one Customer file to coordinate with further actions of the customer management software. the Address Database Software1Tool" is able to manage customer contacts and to send them attractive newsletters according to their preferences and interests.

Address Database Software1Tool"

Furthermore, the CRM address management is a well-structured and clear interface with which, in addition to personal data, other previously saved information about the contact can be viewed with a mouse click. Examples of this would be uploaded documents, tasks, projects or comments/notes added by employees.

Of course, when you search for a contact and their customer data, you need to know that Address Management Software do not search manually. A quick search, a detailed search and an AZ search are available for this purpose. These filter your contacts according to specified criteria and thus ensure an efficient address management.

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