maintain customer loyalty

Birthday Newsletter

There are many tools for customer loyalty. One of them is the birthday newsletter, which is becoming increasingly popular in the business world.

As a sign of appreciation, many companies send birthday emails to congratulate their customers, partners or suppliers on their day of honor and thus increase the chance of being perceived as an attractive company by their target groups. And this not only intensifies the relationship with your stakeholders, but also increases your sales as well as the opening and click rates of your birthday newsletter.

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With a creative newsletter design you are able to stand out from your competition, score points with a nice gesture and leave a positive impression on your customers and partners.

newsletter software

1Tool is a comprehensive newsletter software with which you can quickly and easily create a birthday mailing and automatically send it to your contacts in the database.
By storing mail templates in 1Tool you have the option of creating a birthday newsletter template and using placeholders to already specify the subject, the salutation and the newsletter text. The placeholders allow a personalized mailing, in which the respective contacts are addressed directly with their name or something similar. This also increases the positive perception of a birthday newsletter among target groups.

In order to increase your sales figures, birthday emails also offer the opportunity to add vouchers or incentives and thus encourage your customers to buy. Linked to the 1Tool contact or product management, you can see exactly which goods your customer has already bought in the newsletter tool and you can give them a discount for an additional product in the birthday mailing. On the one hand, your contact feels well taken care of, on the other hand, you are guaranteed a purchase through this campaign.

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