CRM, project management and task management

1Tool | beta

1Tool | beta

The BETA Young Creative Lab sets immediately in the areas CRM, Project management and Task Management on 1Tool. More than 15 employees work together on a wide variety of projects 1Tool be organized and managed. 1Tool offers a powerful interface for managing individual contacts, projects and associated tasks. E-mail marketing modules round off the offer and make the CRM software an important central hub for the beta lab.

The BETA Young Creative Lab is a laboratory and company based in Graz that is unique in Europe. It forms an interface between training and job for young and exceptionally creative people and combines the qualities of being newly trained, innovative, established and renowned. BETA is not an agency, not a competitor for domestic advertisers and certainly not a competitor. Rather, the BETA Lab opens its doors to all communication professionals in Austria and the rest of the European Union and invites them to a completely new form of cooperation.