Event: "Success with the right strategy and intelligent marketing"

On Thursday, March 03rd, there will be an event in Stainz in southern Styria on the topic "With the right strategy and intelligent marketing to success" instead of. incl-Managing Director Christopher Kovacic and WebAgency Körbler-Managing Director Mario Körbler jointly present how companies can be successful in the long term with the help of the right strategy and intelligent marketing. In doing so, he will too 1Tool presented as CRM software.The long-term loyalty Your customers is the only remaining possibility for the success of your company in the future. For this it is important to to put customers at the center and to bind them permanently with targeted measures. We will show you with practical examples how you as an entrepreneur can be aware Realign your strategywhat is it at customer-focused approach matters and how you can generate maximum customer satisfaction through simple, cost-effective steps.

We give you valuable tips on the following topics:

  • Customer, finance, strategy
  • Internet Marketing, Social Media and Search Engine Optimization
  • CRM / Customer Relationship Management. This will also 1Tool presented.

You can register for the event at www.start2biz.at. By the way, all registrations end up in one 1Tool-Database 🙂